Select The OS

That you wish to setup Secure DNS for

Windows 10 Logo

Installation on Windows

Note: these instructions are for users familiar with the command line.

The easiest way to use dnscrypt-proxy on Windows is by using our SFX binaries created with WinRar
These contain dnscrypt-proxy binaries version 2.0.22 and will automate installation.

OSZX DNSCrypt & D-o-H

Windows x64

SHA-1 C9587BC8E4C5A867C1A9AE43775AFE208B425D13

Windows x86

SHA-1 989DA1387EC2FAB0747CEA520AA0E09EAC0A3CB0

OSZX & Other Public Servers

Windows x64

SHA-1 BCCB2729367183BECA606B11394B493C08D0C9F2

Windows x86


If you use one of the above files skip to step 2 after running it.

Zipped Versions

* OSZX DNSCrypt & D-o-H :
This extracts and installs DNSCrypt Proxy as a service setup to use only our UK D-o-H & DNSCrypt Server.
** OSZX & Other Public Servers :
This extracts and installs DNSCrypt Proxy as a service setup to use our UK D-o-H & DNSCrypt Server as well as other AD-Blocking servers.

DNSCrypt-Proxy is setup to use the the server with the lowest ping when more than one server is supplied.

Alternatively you could use Simple DNSCrypt instead, Just replace dnscrypt-proxy.toml while the service is stopped and app is closed (usally located in: C:\Program Files\bitbeans\Simple DNSCrypt x64\dnscrypt-proxy) with THIS VERSION for using only our server or THIS VERSION for our server + other ad-blocking servers.

dnscrypt-proxy logo


Download dnscrypt-proxy here: dnscrypt-proxy binaries (version 2.0.22 at the time of writing) or use the versions above.

If you choose to download from the official github page you want dnscrypt-proxy-win64-*.zip or dnscrypt-proxy-win32-*.zip if you are using 32bit (x86) version of windows.

So, download this file and extract it wherever you want. In can be anywhere, But for simplicity I prefer to use the root of my home drive (C:\dnscrypt-proxy).


Go to the extracted files find dnscrypt-proxy.toml and replace it with THIS VERSION for using only our server or THIS VERSION for our server + other ad-blocking servers

Now go to the extracted files locate & right click on service-install.bat then select Run as administrator, You should end up with a console window letting you know that it installed correctly, Press Enter to continue..

To check that DNSCrypt Proxy is running correctly:

Open a Command Prompt by typing cmd and pressing enter in the location bar of the folder housing the extracted files or search & open cmd in windows start menu and CD to the directory containing the extracted files i.e cd c:\dnscrypt-proxy

Now type dnscrypt-proxy -resolve and press enter, If everything is OK you should see somthing like this:

Windows Command Prompt

If you are unsure about anything please use the video below as a reference


Open the network settings (Start Button :: Settings (cog above power) :: Network & Internet :: Change adapter options), Find your active network (Right Click :: Properties :: Internet Protocol Version 4 :: Properties Button) and in the TCP/IP panel Click "Use the following DNS server addresses:" , remove any existing DNS IP addresses (Preferred DNS server/Alternative DNS server) and enter: into Preferred DNS server.

If using our zip files dnscrypt-proxy has been configured to automatically use private dns server as a backup fallover resolver.


In order to install a new version, just stop the service by typing net stop dnscrypt-proxy into a command console window run as an administrator, replace the executable file (dnscrypt-proxy.exe) with the new version, and start the service again by typing net start dnscrypt-proxy into the same command console window.

macOS Logo

Installation on macOS

Note: these instructions are for users familiar with terminal.

The easiest way to use DNSCrypt/D-o-H on macOS is by using dnscrypt-proxy, our zip files below include a edited dnscrypt-proxy.toml file to add OSZX DNSCrypt & D-o-H DNS servers and one to use OSZX servers and all other ad-blocking dns servers curently listed on the public dns list.

These contain dnscrypt-proxy binaries version 2.0.22 and will speed up installation.

Zipped Versions

* OSZX :
Setup to use only our UK D-o-H & DNSCrypt Server.
** MULTI :
Setup to use our UK D-o-H & DNSCrypt Server as well as other ad-blocking servers.

DNSCrypt-Proxy is setup to use the the server with the lowest ping when more than one server is supplied.

dnscrypt-proxy logo


Download dnscrypt-proxy here: dnscrypt-proxy binaries (version 2.0.22 at the time of writing) or use the versions above.

If you choose to download from the official github page you want dnscrypt-proxy-macos-*.tar.gz.

So, download this file and extract it wherever you want. In can be anywhere, But for simplicity I prefer to use the root of my home drive (/dnscrypt-proxy).


Go to the extracted files find dnscrypt-proxy.toml and replace it with THIS VERSION for using only our server or THIS VERSION for our server + other ad-blocking servers

Launch the Terminal app to get a command-line prompt, then type the following command to get a root shell sudo -s You may have to enter your system password here, Then enter cd /dnscrypt-proxy (or what ever location you extracted it to)
Lastly type ./dnscrypt-proxy -service install You should end up with a message letting you know that it installed correctly Press Enter to continue..

To check that DNSCrypt Proxy is running correctly:

In the existing terminal window type ./dnscrypt-proxy -resolve and press enter, If everything is OK you should see somthing like this:

macOS Terminal

If you are unsure about anything please use the video below as a reference


Open the network preferences pane, and select your device. Most likely Wi-Fi. Then click the Advanced... button.
Select the DNS tab and click the - button and remove all the existing addresses. Then click + and add this one:

If using our zip files dnscrypt-proxy has been configured to automatically use private dns server as a backup fallover resolver.


In order to install a new version, Open a terminal window and type sudo -s then cd to the dnscrypt-proxy directory i.e cd /dnscrypt-proxy and stop the service by typing ./dnscrypt-proxy -service stop, replace the executable file (dnscrypt-proxy) with the new version, and start the service again by typing ./dnscrypt-proxy -service start into the same terminal window.


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iOS Logo

Installation on Android

If you have the latest android pie OS you can nativly use D-o-T in android settings.

If your Android Pie is a Samsung device you should navigate to: Open Settings > Connections > More connection settings > Private DNS
Otherwise navigate to: Open Settings > Network & Internet Settings > Advanced > Private DNS

Android Settings Android DNS Settings

Select Private DNS provider hostname and simply enter and tap save.

The easiest way to use D-o-H on android 4.0+ is by using Intra.


Click the Intra image above on your Android device to be taken to the appstore page & download the app.

Open the app after installation & click the three Menu lines on the top left (1), In the menu screen tap Settings (2). Then tap Select DNS over HTTPS Server (3).

Intra App Intra Options Intra Select DNS

Now select Custom server URL (4) and enter below (5) and tap OK to save.

Now go back to the main screen and press the switch to toggle Intra on, If Intra pops up with a VPN connection request tap OK.

Intra DNS Intra On Intra VPN

The best way to use D-o-T, D-o-H & DNSCrypt on android is by using Adguard Nightly.


Click the Adguard image above on your android device to download the AdGuard apk and tap once downloaded to install it. If you didn't already have adguard installed or you have it installed but only use the built-in/supplied adblock lists the quickest & easiest way to add the TLS/HTTPS & DNSCrypt DNS Servers is to import the adguard settings directly:

AdGuard AdGuard Menu AdGuard Settings AdGuard Import


First open AdGuard and tap the three Menu lines in the top left (1), Now tap Settings (2) and then DNS Filtering (3).

AdGuard AdGuard Menu AdGuard DNS Settings

Once on the DNS Filtering page tap Select DNS server (4), Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap Add custom DNS server (5)

AdGuard DNS Filtering AdGuard Cusustom DNS

Now you have the choice to enter TLS, HTTPS, DNSCrypt separately or All Three DNS protocol's together with or without parallel queries enabled.

For TLS enter somthing like OSZX-TLS for the name and enter tls:// into the DNS upstream input box.

For HTTPS enter somthing like OSZX-HTTPS for the name.

For IPv4 enter: For IPv6 enter:

For DNSCrypt v2 enter somthing like OSZX-DNSC for the name.

For IPv4 enter: For IPv6 enter:

Or add all three on seperate lines and include IPv6 if you have/use it, If you then SAVE AND SELECT it should use the connection with the lowest ping otherwise if you select Use parallel queries to speed up resolving.. it will use them all at once.

AdGuard TLS AdGuard DOH AdGuard DNSCrypt AdGuard All

iOS Logo

Installation on iOS

The easiest way to use DNSCrypt/D-o-H on iOS is by using DNSCloak.


Click the DNSCloak image above on your iOS device to be taken to the appstore page & download the app.

Open the app after installation & click the three "menu" lines on the top left (1), In the settings screen turn on "Connect On Demand". Then go back and click the config button (2).

DNSCloak Steps DNSCloak Options DNSCloak Config

Now go to the bottom of the config file and press return to insert a couple of new lines, Open a web browser such as safari on your iOS device and navigate to this page and press the "copy text" button at the bottom of this page (this depends on javascript if your browser does not support js you might have to manually select all/copy the text below)

Once copied go back into the DNSCloak app and paste the contents of your clipboard into the bottom of the config editor, It should look like the screen-shots below. Now click the tick in the top right corner then click the back button in the top left.

DNSCloak Config 1 DNSCloak Config 2 DNSCloak Config 3

You should see "oszx" and "oszx-doh" at the top of the main page now, Tap one you want to use and then tap the "Use this server" button that appears , If it is your first time using this app it will prompt you to allow DNSCloak to Add VPN Configurations press "Allow".

DNSCloak AfterStatic DNSCloak Use Server DNSCloak Trust DNSCloak

Congratulations your iOS device should now be setup to use our secure DNS servers
You can go to to test your dns.

DNSCloak Using OSZX DNSCloak Test DNS